Thursday, September 23, 2010

Tried and True: Traveling Tips for the Young Professional

As a PR associate, I have had the fun privilege of traveling fairly often for my job and clients. I have also had the unfortunate opportunity to experience some of the serious drawbacks to traveling for business. From the flying in a skirt and heels to the eager-beaver traveler who never quite understands that they are A-21 and you are A-19, hence they should be behind you and not demonstrating the Shaq blockout to ensure that they board the plane first, business travel will always test your patience as it delivers you a constant supply of ‘awww crap’ moments.
So, from one busy young professional to another, take it from me, these are tried and true tips that will hopefully help you avoid some of my very own traveling mishaps:
1.     Never under any circumstances wear a white blouse or kahakis whilst traveling, if you are a caffeine addict like me or just enjoy a simple cheeseburger- hold the tomato-extra special sauce, you can almost be certain that you will hit a bump in the road or a bit of turbulence that will send your cursed affliction flying out of its container and plopping most unfortunately on your freshly pressed chinos.

 2.       Check your gas tank, print off your boarding ticket, and re-confirm your ride to the airport at least 24 hours in advance of your departure. In fact, print two copies of your boarding pass and put one in each of your favorite purses, just in case you decide a switcheroo is in order at the last minute. You may be questioning the gas tank mention, but if infuriate your boyfriend as much as I do by putting in only 5 bucks everytime you stop at Arco, there is a good chance that you are going to run out of gas somewhere between here and your destination, and trust me it takes FORVER for AAA to get to you when you are anywhere on I-5 in the middle of the state.

3.       It’s all about the benjamins! Make sure to stop by your ATM the night before and have plenty of cash to get you through the cab rides and hotel doorman/ bell boys, there is nothing more awkward than having a guy lug your 500lb purple paisley suitcase up to rm #316 and slowly meander out waiting for you to slip him a Lincoln….even a couple Washington’s are better than the linty pack of tums and swift kick out the door you’re going to have to offer him if you don’t take me up on this scrap of knowledge.

4.       Here comes the bride! Go out to Claires and buy yourself the flashiest blingiest fakey diamond ring you can! We’ve all been there, you’ve given the stinkeye to every passenger shuffling past your prime real estate aisle seat, you think your’e safe, and then it happens….Somewhere in the mid-life crisis parallel universe, Mr. 50 something-my kids are probably older than you, mistakes your death glare for a, ‘please sit your way to forward-Ed Hardy t-shirt and jeans- self’ right next to me. You can ignore him all you want, but you know that as soon as the flight attendant comes around to offer you a drink, he’s going to jump on his opportunity to try to get you liquored up and stop you from hanging out of your seat into the aisle in an effort to get away from him.

5.    For your sake and the sake of all others that come in contact with you during the duration of your trip, pack all of your toiletries, including deodorant, toothbrush and makeup (especially your under eye dark circles corrector concealer) in your carry on. There is nothing worse than having to make due with the rudimentary hotel supply of cheapy shampoo, rigid toothbrushes, and overly smelly (really just stinky) lotions and soaps, all because the mouthbreathers at your airline of choice were incapable of transferring your bag onto a 1 hour non-stop flight from SFO to LAX (trust me, been there and it’s all bad)



  1. Okay the photos alone are cracking me's all SO TRUE. You and I should be travel buddies ;)

  2. p.s. hurry up with the necklace tutorial!
