Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Thoughtful Thursday

Obsession #49349534895834908509…reading totally precious blogs by women just like you and I (sorry guys, I think it’s safe to say that this is our domain…)

I can spend a gagillion hours jumping from one blog to another. From cake balls and homemade camera straps, to coupon clipping tips and silly little anecdotes. You gals sure have a lot to say, and look oh so fabulous while doing it!

And this is where the tragedy steps in… sometimes, after pouring over pages of cutesy fabulocity, I am left with a little pit in my stomach. I wish I could be as darling and witty as you. As sassy and sweet, as stylish and stunning.

But I’m just me. My house is messy for days after I finish a craft project, sometimes I wear my clothes multiple times before I wash them and when my roomie is gone I eat out every single night!

Sooooo, when Kate at Ordinary Girl, Extraordinary Journey came across the following quote, I simply had to play copy cat and re-post it… I think it speaks volumes to how we can be so super hard on ourselves because we compare everything we do to other people’s lives…it’s time we all lived it learned it and loved it! 

One reason we struggle with insecurity: 
we're comparing our 
behind the scenes 
to everyone else's 
highlight reel.

-Steven Furtick


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